Wednesday, April 23, 2008


"Cloverfield" is a lot like "Godzilla" meets the "Blair Witch Project" but with good writing, directing, effects and acting. The pace starts off a bit sluggish as we watch a going away party unfold for one of the central players and the ensemble of characters are slowly developed prior to the onslaught of mayhem, suspense and action. What made this film such a treat outside of the wonderful effects, was director Matt Reeve's brave choice to shoot the entire film "hand held" which lends a riveting feel of realism as the story unfolds from the first person perspective. The viewing audience is never given behind the scene information about happenings elsewhere in the city, the nature of the creature, or if the rest if the world is also under siege. We are right there with the characters as the events unfold live in front of us in our little microcosm of Manhattan proper. I did find myself wanting at times for this film to be a little more formula so that I could have learned more about the creature, seen it a little more and had some closure at the end. However staying true to the unique style of this film, that was not possible. This is definitely one of the better Sci-Fi thrillers I have scene in quite a while. This is not simple action by numbers, you the audience member will actually have to use your imagination from time to time, something directors have not let us do for many years. Give it a chance and enjoy it for what it is and you won't be disappointed.


watch movies for free said...

I have to say that I haven't had so much fun in a movie theater in such a long time. Cloverfield brought back a sense of excitement and delight for me. The movie draws you in, makes you a part of the experience. It succeeds primarily because of two things; what you see and what you hear.