Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rambo: Kill 'em all let my agent sort it out.

What's not to like about Stallone's latest mindless action flick. Unlike Rambo II and III that got bogged down with a useless plot, Rambo (Rambo 4) delves right in to the action , the blood, guts, entrails, explosions, tiny unrecognizable body parts and torture. This time, semi-retired Rambo (maybe he should go to Florida like the rest of the AARP crowd), finds himself reluctantly caught up in a rescue mission of some bubble headed do gooder peacenik Christians that want to bring medical supplies and bibles to the villagers being slaughtered upriver in Burma/Myanmar. The local warlords of course capture the brain washed Kool-aid crowd shortly after being dropped off by Rambo, thus beginning the systematic torture and execution part of their trip not covered in the Peace Corp brochure.(personally I just slam the door in their face, I never found the need to torture them) So the Pastor of their sponsor church actually makes the trip to the outskirts of Burma, hiring some Mercs along the way. The last thing on his list is the boat man who knows the exact insertion point of the lollipop guild up river. Rambo eventually agrees to ferry the special forces wannabes up river to the drop off site. (good thing to or the movie would be pretty much over) From here the fighting starts with Rambo showcasing his master prowess with his bow and arrow, not just used for fishing after all. They then enter the camp where the bad guys are holding the dumb guys, release the dumb guys, setting off a small gorilla war. From here on the film starts to pay off if you are in to senseless violence, explosions and body parts blasted across the camera lens. (And who isn't? Think Saving Private Ryan meets Robocop) Definitely worth a rent for the action sequences alone, if not for the conclusion of the Rambo saga.