Saturday, May 17, 2008

P.S. I Love You ... that's why I let you drag me to this chic flick. P.S.S. I better get some head afterwards.

Wow, it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's just another overly pretentious, man hating, femi-Nazi, romantic chic flick! Get out your hankys guys because you will definitely earn your stripes by having to sit through this one while resisting the urge to punch yourself in the balls and chew your own arm off. Half woman half horse, Hillary Swank falls in love with a care free handsome Irishman, but runs into the perilous pitfalls of marriage while trying to balance her career, his desire to have children and finding the perfect shoes to compliment her feedbag. Luckily for our guy, he dies right off from a brain tumor. (man if I had a dollar for every time I faked that one) Fortunately for the distraught filly, he left behind a series of notes to haunt, I mean help her from the grave. Unfortunately for any heterosexual men still alive in the audience there is no reprieve from the constant hen cackling, horse neighing and fluffy girl stuff the entire film through. If you want to rent this one for date night, remember the wine, lots and lots of wine! (earplugs, a blindfold and a healthy dose of chlorpromazine wouldn't hurt either)


online movies said...

Its a must watch movie for all those who believe in love. Wonderful love story and you have described it so beautifully. The movie is truly a tearjerker movie. Thanks a lot for writing this blog.